A co-sign is the addition of another borrower added to your application for the purpose of increasing your total qualifying…
How Does a Co-Sign Work on My Mortgage Application?
The process of adding a co-sign to your application is a straightforward step. Essentially, we are factoring in both the…
How Does a Co-Sign Work For The Co-Signer?
With any co-signed mortgage, as the co-signer, you are pledging your responsibility to repay the mortgage loan should the primary…
When Would it Make the Most Sense to Include a Co-signer?
While there are many situations where a co-sign might make sense, some of the most common times a co-sign is…
Can I Remove the Co-Signer in the Future?
Now this is a very common question as many people look at a co-sign mortgage as a temporary fix to…
Will a Co-Signer Help if I Don’t Have Enough for a Down Payment?
Unfortunately, in this case, having a co-sign would not change the amount you are required to put down for your…
Are Co-Sign Mortgages a 50/50 Ownership?
There are two ways you can purchase property in Canada Joint Tenancy – When you purchase a home as joint tenants,…